Denaby Utd – Ransome and Marles 5 Denaby 2 – Newcomers Do Well

March 1946

South Yorkshire Times March 16, 1946

Midland League
Newcomers Do Well

Ransome and Marles 5  Denaby United 2

League leaders, Ransome and Marles, had a surprise from Denaby, on Saturday, for though United had several new faces in the team, their display against a strong side earned great credit and with a little more luck Denaby might have had at least a point.

Denaby more than held their own in the first half, but Ransome’s were on top in the second half during which they converted two penalties. They were always attacking in the opening stages and PARR scored. Following good work by Parr and Hubbard, URIEN increased their lead.

Denaby were not downhearted by these two early goals and in a spirited attack MOSELEY reduced the deficit.

Ransome’s had more of play in the second half, HUBBARD converting two penalties, and HINLEY adding a fifith goal. FISHER got Denaby’s second goal.