Dense Smoke

June 1882

Mexborough, Swinton Times, June 9.

Dense Smoke.

Andrew Burniston, of Conisborough, had been summoned under the Highway Act. He owns a traction engine, and Policeman Lovell found it standing for 10 minutes on the highway, in Thurnscoe in the morning, dense black smoke issuing from the funnel, and watched it being driven off, the smoke still rising.

Mr Burniston and two men were with it, and an old stone breaker confirmed the policeman as to the colour and density of the smoke.

Mr Hall defended Mr Burniston and averred that the case didn’t come under the clause used, which sets forth that the engine shall so far as practicable consume its own smoke; aand he called Mr John McLarren, civil engineer, who said he made the engine, and it was on the last known principle with respect to the consumption of its own smoke.

He also told that the drivers were instructed always to fire up ere they reached a village.

The Chairman said: “the bench are not satisfied that there is sufficient evidence to cause a penalty, seeing that, according to Mr McLaren, you cannot prevent smoke for a certain time in getting up steam, and engine in this instance was standing 10 minutes.”

Therefore, the case was dismissed.