Diamond Wedding – Mr & Mrs Brown

August 1922

Penistone, Stocksbridge and Hoyland Express – Saturday 12 August 1922

Diamond Wedding – Mr & Mrs Brown

On Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Brown, of “The Hut,” Common Lane, celebrated their diamond wedding. A party was held in honour. of the occasion, and this was attended- by many relatives and friends.

Mr. Brown was born at Whitwick, in Leicestershire, on the 17th of April, 1841, and his wife, Ruth, was born at Woodville, Derbyshire, on the 6th February, 1844. They were married at Coalville Leiestershire, on the 5th of August, 1862.

Mr. and Mrs. Brown have had twelve children, and of these five are alive, four sons living in England, and a daughter residing in Canada. They have seventeen grandchildren and two great-grandchildren.

Though 81 years of age Mr. Brown is still in good health; he works around his little farm and drives out in his pony and trap. Mrs. Brown also enjoys very good health.

Mr. Brown told me that he well remembers commencing at his first employment, at a ropeworks at Ravenstone, at fourpence per day. His next job was at a colliery, where he worked twelve hours a day for ninepence and out of that he had to find his own candles. What a contrast with to-day’s conditions!

He has been resident in this district for about fifty years and was formerly at Carr Orange Farm, but this being now too large for him he built himself a place on the Common, and his son now farms Carr Grange.