Diamond Wedding – Mr & Mrs Harvey – 10 Grand Children

October 1951

South Yorkshire Times, October 13th, 1951

Ten Great Grand-Children

At Conisbrough Diamond Wedding Party

Six children, 23 grandchildren and ten great-grandchildren are going to a party to-morrow afternoon. It is a personal affair, a diamond wedding anniversary of Conisbrough couple Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Harvey, of 43, Gardens Lane. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey were married in Gentleshaw Church, Staffordshire, on October 13th 1891.

At the Lord Conyers Hotel, Conisbrough, to-morrow afternoon, there will be about 60 immediate descendants and relatives to watch the couple cut their anniversary cake which has been displayed in a Conisbrough confectioners shop this week.

Mr. John Thomas Harvey is 79, Mrs. Patience Harvey 82.  Both are from Staffordshire, moving to Conisbrough in 1906. Mr Harvey started working in a pit when he was 12 at a wage of 10d a day. When he married, he was earning four shillings a day and his wage was raised to the daily sum of five shillings. His wife was a dressmaker and even now she is still doing the precise work of her youth.

On going to Conisbrough, Mr. Harvey began work at Cadeby Colliery as a pit-bottom contractor, and retired four years ago, after 61 years in the mines.  He has spent most of his leisure at the Ivanhoe Club, of which he was a founder-member in 1918.

Members of the club are to make Mr. and Mrs. Harvey a presentation after their party to-morrow.

Mr. and Mrs. Harvey had ten children, and six are still living, all in Conisbrough.  They are Mrs Charlotte Wilson, of Old Road, Charles, a Yorkshire Main miner of Lewes Road, Leonard, assistant under-manager at Cadeby, of Cadeby Lane, Hector, also working at Yorkshire Main Colliery of March Street, Harold, a sweet manufacturer of Prior Road, and Mrs. Sylvia Hallgate of Athlestane Road.  There are 23 grandchildren and 10 great-grandchildren.

Mr. and Mrs. Harvey’s plan for sixty years of married life: “Hand in hand together, and share and share alike.”