Disobedient Miners at Denaby

August 1892

Mexborough & Swinton Times – Friday 12 August 1892

Disobedient Miners at Denaby

Thomas Adams, of Mexborough, and Albert Bridgewater, of Denaby, were summoned fur having broken special rule 88, at Denaby Main Colliery, on the 98th ult., by going into a part of the mine other than that in which they were appointed to work.

Jonathan Rodgers, deputy, said he gave the defendants instructions to go and work in a certain place on the day named, and they refused. In consequence of them not going another man was eventually sent. Subsequently witness saw the defendants in another working place, in order to get to which they went through what is known as a wind road, which was not used as a travelling road. It was extremely dangerous for the defendants to go there; they might have got lost. Even a deputy was not allowed to go on the road alone.

Defendants were each fined 20s. including costs.