Distinguished Honour for a Conisborough Musician

May 1896

Mexborough and Swinton Times May 15, 1896

Distinguished Honour for a Conisborough Musician

Music haf honour as well as labours!

A musical honour is just been conferred upon Mr Ernest Trout, Law Road, Conisborough, a well-known and able cornet soloist, he having been appointed on player in the Coldstream Guards.

The position is not only good one financially, but one much coveted for the honour, and it speaks well for the ability of young Mr Trout that he has received the appointment in face of keen competition.

It is only a few months ago that he was awarded a gold medal for the splendid services as cornet soloist, yet he was always willing to assist any musical effort, however, humble, in his own village, and many times as he delighted Conisborough audiences with his distinguished services.

Mr W.H.Chambers, recognise the young man’s undoubted abilities has kindly interested himself on his behalf and done what he could to secure in the appointment.

Mr E Trout’s father is an experienced bandsman, so that the old saying is still true, “like father like son.”

Mr Trout proceeded to London and commences duty on June 1st. the appointment is complimentary to Mr J Dawson, the conduct of the Mexborough Railway Servants Prize Brass Band, was at the honour of having a promising pupil, and who was at all times a credit to the band.