Conisbrough Constable at the front.
The value of first Aid
Bombadier J.Dobson
Superintendent Minty, of the West Riding police, Doncaster, has received a letter from bombardier J.Dobson, who was stationed at Conisbrough before going to the front, acknowledging receipt of a parcel of goods.
In the course of his letter he says:
“With regard to the first aid class, you will be pleased to hear that we are in the happy position of each man been able to help another in that respect. They are all keen about it. I am often asked how to do that and this, and they practice for all they are worth. I look upon first aid has been the most essential to soldiers, especially, by possessing only the elementary principles of “bleeding and how to stop it.”
They are in possession of knowledge which, if properly applied, would in a great many cases save their comrades lives, and with that end in view we are still pegging away.”