Doctor Williams Pink Pills for Pale People (Advert), (picture)

November 1898

Yorkshire Evening Post – Friday 04 November 1898


November is a dangerous month.
The cold and damp off winter attack those unprepared for their assault.

Doctor Williams Pink Pills for Pale People *

will prepare you if you are not ill yet, will cure you are beginning feel the effect of

November Ills

A Yorkshire Worker’s Strange Story.

His Terrible Malady Conquered.

It had boon reported to this office (writes a reporter on “Sheffield Weekly Independent”) that a young man named Frank Lowther living at Conisborough, near Doncaster, had been cured of a stone in the bladder in a very remarkable way.

On calling at the address which had been given to me (5. George Street, Denaby Main) I saw Mr. Lowther’s brother-in-law, who told me that the young man had declared that had been cured of the dread malady in a most extraordinary manner, adding that the youth had been very bad, and certainly seemed be all right now.

I saw Mr. Frank Lowther shortly afterwards, and compliment him on his appearance of good health, asked him to relate the circumstances of his illness and cure.

He said he was in good health at that moment, was employed as we are at the glass works close by. He is 20 years of age, but his troubles began early, physically.

Some years ago, while living at Selby, he was troubled with stone in the bladder, gravel, and underwent an operation. The doctors told him that the stone had been removed, and he would be all right thenceforward. “But,” said Mr Lowther, “I was not.”

“Then what for?”

“I soon began to suffer from pains about the lower part of the body. The pains group worse and worse, and soon resembled those which troubled me prior to the operation. I had these pains nearly 6 years, more or less acutely stop sometimes they were so bad that I thought I should die.”

“What about medical advice?”

“I forgot to tell you that the doctors who performed operations told me they had never had a case like mine. It was most unusual for one so young as myself a gravel and stone. The pins were at their worst this year, and I pass much blood.”

“Did you take any medicine?”

“I bought many kinds of pills and medicines, without getting any benefits, but about six weeks ago I saw in the newspapers an account of a cure of gravel and stone by Doctor Williams Pink Pills for Pale People and I at once wrote to the firm to learn if they thought they could do me any good, and was recommended to try Doctor Williams Pink Pills. I did so and obtained immediate relief. After the second box had been empty I have no pain left, and my general health and return. I do not pass any blood. I only used two boxes, and I’ve never felt so well in my life as I do at the present time.

“Such a sudden cure is somewhat startling; I can quite understand your friends been dubious about it.”

“Yes, it seemed to them too good to be true. But my health continues good, and there cannot now be any doubt about it.”

“May I publish your story in the newspapers, Mr Lowther?”

“You are welcome to make what use you like of my case. I shall always be ready to answer any question which may be put to me, and anyone who doubts can come, and see me in the flesh. I have good reason to bless Doctor Williams Pink Pills for Pale People.”


  • Photo from Wikipedia