Yorkshire Evening Post – Thursday 18 January 1900
Doctor Williams Pink Pills for Pale People
Cases in Point.
Critical Condition of Conisbro’ Woman.
A very unpleasant experience as happened to Mrs Susan Fillingham, living at 100, Firbank Street, New Conisbrough, near Rotherham and the wife of a coal miner.
A “Sheffield Weekly Independent” representative heard Mrs Fillingham’s own statement of what took place.
“For the past 10 years,” Mrs Fillingham said, “I have been ailing constantly and the doctors all told me that it was anaemia. My health used to be all right when I was a girl, but after I was married my constitution seen to break up, as with consumption.
I have been under six or seven doctors, but none of them were able to do me much good. I was so weak sometimes when I went out I had to guide myself by the wall. I was simply wasting away, and for 12 months I could not even wash the floor I had severe headaches and night sweats and bronchitis. I turned sick at the sight of food, and had no appetite at all. So I went on until in February last I got worse, and began to spit blood.”
This was the experience which gave Mrs. Fillingham a severe fright. Coughing up blood is, of course, a very alarming symptom, and points to consumption, especially when coupled, as in this case, with night sweats. It was the opinion of the doctor was attending Mrs Fillingham at that time that she was in a very critical condition; alums were very bad, he said, and he ordered her to get out of doors as much as possible.
“It was when I began spit blood.” the lady went on,” that I first took Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills for Pale People, and I could tell at once they were doing me good. My husband and I had read about them in the papers, and I said to him one day, ‘I think I will try them.’ I bought a box and commenced taking them. Well, the first box Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills I took stopped the blood spitting, and I have not been troubled with it since. Then I began to take them in doses of two a time, and I have taken altogether four boxes.
“The first thing they cured the bleeding, and my appetite came back and I commenced a fancy little bits of things. I also got rid of the night sweats.”
Mrs Fillingham’s husband confirmed everything his wife said. “She is three times a better woman than she was six months ago,” he declared. We may add that Mrs Fillingham is 30 years of age, and she has several groin boys who are just at the age when they require a lot of looking after. Her restoration to health, therefore, he is of no slight blessing.