Dodging Nazis In Greece – Conisbrough Man’s Recollections

July 1946

South Yorkshire Times, July 20th, 1946

Dodging Nazis In Greece.
Conisbrough Man’s Recollections.

Stories of how night after night during the evacuation of Greece he and his comrades went down to the beaches hoping to be picked up, and how finally they set out, dodging the Germans, were told to Conisbrough British Legion branch, Coun. J. Oldfield presiding, on Sunday, by Mr. A. Dunn, of 13, Warren Road, Conisbrough, who served in Greece during the war.

Going down to the beaches at Kalamata night after night for 14 days in April 1941, they had no luck. On April 28th, leaving their daytime hiding place as usual to go to the beach, they ran into a skirmish with German troops. Next day the British surrendered. Unaware of this, Mr. Dunn and his two comrades set out to look for water. On the road they saw a German cycle patrol, but eluded them.

Collecting discarded British kit from the beaches the three men met an Australian truck carrying men in Australian kit. After being told where they could get petrol they drove on. For the next three days they lived in caves on emergency rations before they moved. At one seaside village they were told that a British troops. After preparing for the plane’s arrival they finally alarmed the Germans and had to move quickly. In the area of Cape Matapan they met a Greek who stole their kit and told the Germans. Before the party moved, the loyal Greeks promised that the betrayer would be punished.

Mr. Dunn said the goodwill and generosity of the Greeks was widespread, but the food which they had to eat was a great trial. He told of one village where they given thrushes fried in olive oil.