Don’t Be Stumped – Have a Wig in Your Wardrobe

June 1969

South Yorkshire Times June 14, 1969

Don’t Be Stumped – Have a Wig in Your Wardrobe

Susan combing a wig for Mrs. Anne Madin at the wig party at Denize Arnold’s, Denaby.

Recently we dropped in at a wig party given by Denize of Denaby and Susiecurls of Harlington. It was the first of their wig parties and Sue said this week that the idea has just snowballed. From the one party other parties have been booked. This seems to be the case with most hairdressers who have given the parties — other people have heard about them and wanted one in their own home.

The parties held have attracted all age groups, and the short wigs seem to be the most popular. The people who have tried the wigs on for the first time have been really thrilled with the idea. “Some have gone home to show their husbands and then come back, and others have gone home in the wigs just to give their husbands a surprise, said Sue.

As well as giving you advice on the choice of your wig the hairdressers at the party will also tell you how to care for your wig, particularly If It is made from real hair.

Take it to the hairdressers if it needs cutting or setting. Depending on how often you wear your wig, it will probably need cleaning every three or four weeks. There are products available for cleaning your wig yourself, but for about five or six shillings you can have your wig cleaned at the hairdressers.