Druidism at Denaby – Annual Tea and a Presentation

August 1905

Mexborough and Swinton Times August 26, 1905

Druidism at Denaby
Annual Tea and a Presentation

On Saturday last the “pride of Denaby” Lodge of the Sheffield Equalised Independent Druids held their annual tea at the Denaby Main Hotel. A large number of members, (over 70), sat down to a substantial repast, provided by Bro. Host W. I. Gibbs, in his usual well-known style, president of the Lodge, Mr. Mellor, presiding.

A pleasing ceremony at the after proceedings was the presentation of a handsomely framed certificate of merit to the late president, Mr George Carter, for services rendered by him to the cause of druidism. The presentation was made by Mr Alf Hayes, president of the Mexborough and District friendly societies Council, who said there as a brother member, though of a different order, he could assure his hearers that it gave him a great deal of pleasure to perform this little ceremony. In receiving this testimonial he felt sure that Bro. Carter would always look on him with pride and pleasure in belonging to the Druids. Druidism was not a society of which they need be ashamed. If there was anyone there that night who was not a member, he cordial a invited him or her to join a large at once. Now was the time for the young to think of the time when they would be on a bed of sickness. For those, the Druids was one of the grandest societies in the world, and for the working man.

He then handed the certificate, which bore the following inscription, to Bro. Carter; “This certificate of merit is presented by the officers and members of the’ pride of Denaby Lodge, number 379, of the Sheffield Equalised Independent Druids, to Bro. G. Carter as a token of respect and esteem, for his valuable and energetic services rendered in promotion the interests and welfare of the society. – R. Mellor, president; J. Barraclough, vice president; W. Summerscales, secretary.”

Bro Carter thanked them one and all for the certificate and the kind way they had received him. He had the welfare of the Lodge at heart, and if only the members would do as he had there would be no fear that the Lodge would be a success.

Bro. W. I. Gibbs also spoke, and gave those present some good advice on thrift. He was only too pleased to give a hand to a man who could help himself and layby for sickness. If a man could not.