Drunk & Disorderly & Bad Language

December 1892

Mexborough & Swinton Times – Friday 30 December 1892

Drunk and Disorderly at Conisborough

William Stacey, singer, Conisbrough was fined 10 shillings and costs for being drunk and disorderly at that township; and John Wilson, a navvy, of Conisbrough was fined 14 shillings including costs for drunkenness.

Bad Language at Conisbrough

Henry Taylor, Butcher, Conisbrough, was charged with having used obscene language at Conisbrough railway station. He porter stated that he told defendant he should report of trying to use a ticket a second time, and then the man use the language complained of, and threatened to “screw his neck around.”

The defendant denied the charge, and said it was the porter who was to blame; it was the porter who threatened him, and said he was a “fraud.” The porter wanted to fight him; he (the porter) had spite against him.

The Company was represented by Mr J.W.Whitworth, detective, in the employ of the M.S. and L. company at Sheffield, who said the offence was against the ninth bylaw of the company.

The defendant was fined 10 shillings and 21s 6d costs: 14 days in default.