
June 1892

Mexborough and Swinton Times June 24, 1892


Frank Gledhill, labourer, Conisbrough, was charged with being drunk at that township, and he pleaded guilty.

Police sergeant Ambler proved the case.

Fined 12s including costs.

Samuel Thurston, miner, Conisbrough, was summoned for a like offence, and he pleaded guilty; he said it was the first time you have been summoned, and he hoped he would be dealt with leniently.

Fined 12 s including costs.

James Oliver, miner, Denaby was charged with being disorderly and refusing to quit.

Thomas Senescall said he kept the Station Inn Conisbrough. On the night of Saturday the fourth inst the defendant went to the house and broke a pane of glass and destroyed a screen; he also threw a glass of beer at some men and used bad language. He was ejected from the house and was afterwards given a “good clout” by the man he had thrown the beer at. Then the defendant went away to Denaby.

A waiter gave corroborative evidence.

The defendant did not appear, and was fined £1 5s including costs.

James Roebuck, boat hauler, Mexborough was charged with having been drunk and disorderly at Mexborough. The defendant did not appear.

Police constable Windsor said he saw the defendant committing the offence complained of and threatened to summons him.

William Dale corroborated, said the defendant use very filthy language.

Fined £1 including costs.