Drunkenness at Conisborough.

July 1892

Sheffield Independent – Saturday 02 July 1892

Drunkenness at Conisborough.

Fred Tingle, miner, Denaby, was fined 18s. including costs, for being drank and disorderly at Conisborough, on the 9th inst.

Police-constable Trueman proved the ease.

Eliza Slater and Mary Ann Froggatt, were John with having been drunk and refusing to quit the Station Hotel, Conisborough, on the 18th June.

Mr. Badditey appeared for the defence.

Thos. Seneseall, the landlord, stated that the defendants called for two sodas and claret and a mean with them called for a lemonade and a glass of beer. They were supplied, and one of them said she could not drink that ——– stuff, she wanted some whiskey. He said she had had plenty of drink elsewhere. He refused to give whiskey and ordered them out several times. They had to be turned out by force. After being out half an hour they returned and used abusive language. The doors were locked so as to keep them out; but as soon as it was opened they returned. He had to send for the police; he sent for the sergeant.

Cross-examined by Mr. Baddiley : The defendants might have been in his house three quarters of an hour. He would swear they had no whiskey. No one else served them. He was trying to get them out most of the time. He asked them to go out as soon as he saw how they were fixed. That was after the lapse of ten minutes.

Mrs. Froggatt said she had been robbed, and said she should not go out till she got up the money. Mrs Slater said they were not to “knock the woman about.” but to let her have the money. He did not knock the woman down, she might have fallen down. After they had been put out they returned. They said they should not go away until they got the money.

Sophie Senescall, the wife of the last witness, said she remembered the day in question very well. Her husband refused to fill them whiskies and he said they would be best at home. They used very bad language, and had to be all forcibly ejected. They afterwards went to the wash-house and then they returned to the inn.

Mrs Froggatt said she had lost her money. They were allowed to go where they has been, but nothing was found. A man was with them and be told them to turn out their picket. The money and the purse were found in Mrs. Slater’s pocket. They were ordered out a second time but would not go, and the Sergeant was sent tor.

Cross-examined: They said they should stay  until the police came. Mrs Froggatt did not say before the bother she had lost any money.

John Shepherd, hostler at the Station Hotel, said he remembered the defendants going to the house on the day in question. They caused a great disturbance and be helped to put them out. One started to “box” the master.

Mrs. Froggatt said in the kitchen that she had lost her money; it was found in the possession of the other defendant. They had not been in the house ten minutes or a quarter of an hour before they were ordered out. After the talk about money being lost, none was found, except in the other woman’s pocket.

Chas. Lawler, miner, sail he corroborated the previous witness.

Cross examined: I did not see them “steadied in.” I had them cover whiskey; but they were not served. There was a traveller who said he would pay for glasses round.

James Ford, overlooker, living at Mexborough, also substantiated the other witnesses.

Police sergeant ambler. Give evidence to the drunkenness.

Mr Baddiley said the two defendants had been to Conisborough business. If the landlord had the house properly he thought to have received woman sooner.

Mrs Froggatt lost 38 10s, and only about 35 shillings was found. There was no defence Mrs Froggatt’s funeral quit, except as to the loss of the money.

The defendant, Slater, was called to give evidence. She said they were supplied with whiskeys and soda. They had no claret. She remonstrated with the landlord because of his violence, and he then threw her down. She denied having the money that was lost. The money was found on the floor.

By Mr Yarborough: They stayed in the wash house a few minutes.

By Inspector Barrett: We were in the Fox Inn, the same evening, and had a glass of whiskey and soda. Nothing was said there about our conduct.

Mrs Roach spoke as to the woman saying she been robbed in the house; the two gentlemen had charge of her watch and chain.

By Inspector Barrett: Mrs Slater was not “so bad,” but the other “and had a son.” (Laughter.)

Patrick McHale said he saw the beginning of the disturbance. He pulled the landlord of one of the women he was himself then ordered out.

Fined £2 each, including costs.