Mexborough & Swinton Times – Friday 13 March 1891
Local Government for Conisborough ?
Again and again we have urged upon the inhabitants of Conisborough the necessity of establishing a Local Board. The population of the township is growing very rapidly, and before twenty years have passed the people of this ancient village will probably exceed in numbers those of Mexborough.
Houses have sprung up as if by magic on the Denaby border, and when the now colliery at Cadeby is in working order the community which will by that time have established itself under the walls of the grey old fortalice which guards the Don will have become an important one. Of late years Conisborough has been steadily rising in importance. It has prospered in common with the other towns in the valleys of the Don or the Dearne.
Wath a few years back changed her mode of local government to a method more in accordance with the enlightened spirit of the times. Conisborough must do the same. The Doncaster authority has more than it can manage comfortably at the present time, and it would be a crowning mercy were Conisborough to decide to govern itself. There have been ominous whispers of late concerning brooks which in the summer mouths give forth noisome effluvia which poisons those of HER MAJESTY’S liege subjects who are compelled from force of circumstances to reside near them. The place is badly lighted, and none too well governed with regard to sanitary requirements.
Is it not time that the inhabitants bestirred themselves and decided to obtain a share of self government? A dozen local men selected by the inhabitants of the township would soon change the present aspect of affairs for the better. The brooks and streamlets which run gurgling from the heights around the village would not then carry the germs of disease into many a household, but would be made almost as pure as they were before man built cottages along their banks and allowed offensive deleterious matter to contaminate them.
There is a great future for Conisborough if there is any truth in the statement that to the east, west, south and north an unbroken field of splendid coal spreads away for miles. Some people have been heard to discount the statements made by one or two gentlemen who have made the study of geology their life work, but in the absence of evidence to the contrary we may be excused if we adopt a tone of optimism in this matter. Whatever may be the cape with regard to the minerals in the earth’s crust in and adjacent to Conisborough, the existence of almost inexhaustible stores of coal to the eastward is implicitly believed in by many scientific men. This being the case, and the facts being clearly established that one of the meet important colliery undertakings in England will soon be in working order, that a large number of miners will then be located in the township, and that the health of this increased population will require to be safeguarded, it becomes imperative on the ratepayers of the old royal burgh to shake off their lethargy and determine to do their best for the mass of humanity which will soon be located within their borders.
A Local Board is wanted in Conisborough, and before many weeks are over the movement will have taken a definite shape. Who is to lead the way ?