Education Survey of Modern and Junior Schools

February 1946

South Yorkshire Times February 9, 1946

Education Survey of Modern and Junior Schools

The West Riding County Council post-war education survey, Conisbrough Primary School Govs consideration of which was reported in our last issue, contained some interesting information for Conisbrough’s ratepayers.

The governors had before them a report by the County Council’s Inspector, who stated that when school leaving age was raised to 15 the number of pupils at the Conisbrough Boy’s Modern School would be about 530 and when raised to 16 the figure would be 660. The department would have an accommodation, by modern standards, of 360. The girls department had the same accommodation, so that the whole building had a total accommodation of 720.

It was suggested that with the addition of another gymnasium and the adaption of the special subjects room it could only be made adequate for boys or girls. The Girl’s Modern School was connected with the boys department. The number of scholars was raised to about 500 when the school age was raised to 15 and to about 630 when the age was raised to 16. Taking the needs of the school in conjunction with those of the boy’s school it would be necessary to provide a new Modern School of about 630 places.

The present school stood on a site of 10.29 acres which might be deemed only sufficiently large for one department. Hence, a new site sufficiently large for the proposed new Modern Department would be necessary.

At Balby Street Junior School accommodation was considered satisfactory providing a hot water system to the wash balls was installed and a playing field acquired. At Bowlby Street infants school the provision already made was satisfactory

Station Road Junior School premises were considered adequate for the number on the role, and would provide a craft room. Hot water should be supplied to the wash bowls and a playing field provided, possibly alongside the school where land was available. With regard to Station Road infant school, hot water should also be supplied to the wash bowls. Drying arrangements made for pupils clothes and a playing field secured.

Dealing with Morley Place Junior School, the inspector stated that the school consisting of seven rooms, formed part of a building which also housed the infants department. The building was old, natural lighting was poor, washing facilities inadequate, there was no hot water supply and cloakroom accommodation was insufficient. It had already been agreed to build a new infants school. When this was done the present building should be completely modernised for the juniors. A playing field should also be provided.

Denaby Main Junior School had in recent years been improvised and little extra was required to modernise the premises. A playing field should however, be secured if possible. Denaby Main infants School had five rooms, a wartime nursery in two rooms and a shared nursery Hall. With the provision of more wash bowls of a suitable size the present accommodation would probably prove adequate.

At St Alban’s Catholic School, by modern standards, the inspector held, the seniors could not be said to receive a secondary education and the unit, by itself, was too small for such a provision to be made. It would be a matter for consideration whether the seniors should not be removed to some other secondary school and the whole building devoted to juniors and infants.