Evening school exhibition – Creditable display at Denaby

March 1955

South Yorkshire Times, March 26

Evening school exhibition

Creditable display at Denaby

One of the stalls at the Denaby Main evening Institute annual exhibition must have caused local boot and shoe repairers to look again.

This was a stall showing the work of the cobbler’s class – boots and shoes – belonging to the students and their families, all repaired in class, the workmanship was so good, and the finish so professional that any boot repairer who visited the exhibition may well have pondered while he admired the display.

Besides the shoe repair stall, there was on show, other evidence of the work of the students and their teachers including tailoring, embroidery, needlework, dressmaking and woodwork.

Yet another class is to be formed this summer for swimming lessons, it will be held for the first time in 15 years, the class meeting weekly.