Ex-Mayor Charged – Important Meat Prosecution at Doncaster.

February 1919

Sheffield Daily Telegraph – Wednesday 12 February 1919

Ex-Mayor Charged.
Important Meat Prosecution at Doncaster.

At Doncaster West Riding Court yesterday, a series of summonses were heard against Dan Mullins, an ex-Mayor of Rotherham, under the Food Control Order for selling meat above the maximum price at Conisbro,’ for supplying meat without coupons, and for failing to divide meat fairly to customers on various dates in November, and Francis Hare, butcher’s manager, Denaby, was charged with aiding and abetting.

Mr. F. Allen, for the prosecution stated that Mullins had been acting as business manager for his son, who was in the army and Hare was the sales manager. Witnesses would say that they went to the shop on November 2 and 16, and bought certain meat which was afterwards weighed at other shops, and found to be of less valve than was charged for it, and that the manager had taken more coupons than represented the value of the meat.

In one instance coupons were taken but for a week which did not relate to that transaction at all.

With regard to distribution there was allotted to the shop a proper quantity of meat for the customers registered there, and in some cases the customers could not get any meat, and in others, it was assumed that they got more meat than they were properly entitled to.

With regard to Alderman Mullins, the Chairman said there was no doubt he had no knowledge of the transaction, and there was no reflection upon him.

Justice would be met in his case by the payment of the costs, £6 2s. 6d.

The manager had not exercised sufficient care and he would have to pay a penalty of £10 and £6 2s. 6d. costs.