“Facts and figures” Sought to help Conisbrough’s case

May 1957

South Yorkshire Times, May 18, 1957

“Facts and figures”
Sought to help Conisbrough’s case.

Conisbrough Urban Council have advised officials of the N. U. M. branches is at Denaby Main and Cadeby main to take a survey of the number of miners who walk to and from work “after getting fed up waiting for trolleybuses.”

At Wednesday’s meeting of the Council, members had a long discussion on the question of better services for the miners,

The Clerk, Mr R. F. Edwardson had written to the general manager of the Mexborough and Swinton traction Co Ltd., asking for the times of the 1:30 PM and the 9:30 PM buses to be advanced by 10 minutes. The manager had stated that this would not be possible without a complete change of timetables. It was stated, however, that the company was prepared to advance the times of the two buses by six minutes. Councillors agreed that if they were “armed with facts and figures.” They would have a stronger case.

Coun. R.H. Shepherd alleged that the services were causing hardship among the miners, who were losing a shift and bonus.

Coun. T. Davies said Conisbrough seem to be an “outpost” “Mexborough, Swinton, Rawmarsh and Rotherham are all well catered for. But not us,” he said

County Coun. Jim. Prendergast, vice chairman of the council and secretary of Cadeby Main N. U. M. Branch, said the miners were finding it extremely difficult to get to work and back. “They are viewing it in a very serious light,” he said. He told members that the question was been taken up at the branch meetings and by the N.U.M. consultative committee.