Mexborough times, February 2.
Failure of a Conisborough Miller.
The first meeting of the creditors in connection with the case of T.H.Appleyard, Conisborough, miller, was held before Mr John Clegg, the official receiver, at the offices, figtree Lane, Sheffield, yesterday.
A receiving order was made on the debtors on petition on the 13th. January. The liabilities amounted to £198 18s and the assets were estimated to produce £35 6s 5d, making a deficiency of £163 11s 7d. The debtor attributed his failure to want of capital, bad debts, and loss of pigs from swine fever.
He commenced business in 1896, without any capital, having previously been engaged as a traveller in the same business. The loss of pigs through swine fever was £50 and other deficiencies were through expenses.
A public examination was afterwards heard in the bankruptcy court before registrar Binney.
Thomas Henry Appleyard (the debtor). In answer to Mr J.C.Clegg, official receiver, said he had been carrying on business as a Miller at Burcroft, Conisborough. He commenced that business in November 1896, but had previously been engaged in assisting in similar business. He had no capital of his own, to commence with, and he took not only the male but all the fittings etc he did not provide any of the fittings himself.
He took the place from Mr. Booth and had it on a lease, but it was not transferred to him, the debtor taking it only as a tenant, and taking only a portion of it. All rent had been paid to Mr Booth.
Resell Binney said he appeared to have been placed in a difficulty, and the landlord was looking same for the rents.
The debtor continuing, said he kept his books in proper order books in November last of what he had received and paid. He had kept a pocketbook for that purpose, and nothing was entered in any other book. The same to affairs far that there was true, and the answers given will also correct. He had delivered up to the official receiver, as a trustee all is a state, books and papers, and he had not removed, destroyed concealed any books or papers relating to his affairs.
Registrar Binney said that an order would be made concluding the examination.