Family Tradition for Daughter of Nurseries Firm

May 1970

South Yorkshire Times, May 9th, 1970

Family Tradition

Eighteen-year-old Consibro’ girl Susan Stringer is one of the flower people – and her family are very pleased about it.  For Susan, the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Stringer of Crookhill Road, is proving one of the top students in floristry at South East Northumberland Technical College.  And if all goes well there’s a job waiting for her very near home, for her father is head of the well-known Stringer’s Nurseries firm.  Susan’s talents are blooming at college where she was top student last year.

Next week she will be taking her City and Guilds certificate examination in floristry, after which a job in one of England’s flower centres, Harrogate, is beckoning. Her family are hoping that the Conisbrough area will eventually benefit from her knowledge of flowers and floral art- and indeed visitors to Conisbrough Parish Church’s flower festival last September had a taste of this, for Susan helped to arrange the displays.