Fatal Accident at Denaby – Jas. Morris

March 1880

Sheffield independent, March 23 1883

The Fatal Accident at the Denaby Main Colliery

On Saturday last, as already reported, an accident occurred at the Denaby Main Colliery, which was attended with fatal consequences.

It appears that some time ago a scaffolding was erected in the pit for the purpose of excavating a sufficient quantity of Earth to allow an engine house being built.

A man, named Morgan was, at the time the accident occurred, on the top of the scaffold, and two men, named Walker and Morris were underneath it. Walker drew Morris’s attention to the fact that the structure was unsafe, and, while the men were examining it, the whole gave way, and buried them beneath its way.

Morris was killed instantly; but neither Walker no Morgan were seriously hurt, although the former was standing close to Morris when the accident occurred, and Morgan was upon the scaffold.

An inquest was held at the Reresby Arms, Denaby, on Wednesday, when a verdict of “accidental death” was returned.

The son of the deceased sought to attach the blame of the affair upon William Oswald, a deputy; but the coroner said if anyone was to blame, the deceased was entitled to equally as great a share of the accident also.

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