Mexborough & Swinton Times – Friday 07 October 1892
Fatal Accident at Denaby Main Colliery Last Night.
Just before going to press information reached us of a fatal accident to a filler named J. Salts, at Denaby Main Colliery.
The unfortunate man it appears was on the afternoon shift, and went down the pit at two o’clock. Between 8.30 and 9 o’clock, which would be towards the close of his working hours, he was suddenly knocked down by a lump of coal off the coal face.
Death ensued from the effects of the blow within ten minutes of the occurrence.
Salts, who is a married man came to Denaby during the time of the greet strike about six years ego. He was highly respected by his fellow workmen.
In accordance with the prevailing custom In this district the men engaged in the workings at once “knocked off . ”
An inquest will be held in due course.