Ferryboat Charges – Old Denaby Residents up in Arms

February 1946

South Yorkshire Times February 23, 1946

Ferryboat Charges
Old Denaby Residents up in Arms

There is resentment among the residents of Old Denaby because they are in danger of losing the right to hold contract tickets for conveyance across the river Don by ferry from Old Denaby to Mexborough.

Notice that no further contract tickets are to be issued after October 1 has been given by the Sheffield and South Yorkshire Navigation Company, who operate the ferry. At the same time they announce an increase of a penny the ordinary return fare, double the existing rate. Moreover, cycles and perambulator’s, hitherto carried free of charge, are to be subject to the increased charges.

All this means that old Denaby people will have to pay as heavily to cross unnecessary journeys as will casual visitors. The residents have called a public meeting for tonight (Friday), to discuss the matter and Mr committee, sure, a member of old Denaby parish council, told a Times reporter yesterday, “it really hits the village. Most of us have been used to a daily sixpenny weekly ticket and many a quarterly for five shillings. Some have even purchase yearly tickets. A man living in Denaby with three children coming to the second school in Mexborough will be hard hit, especially if the children go on bicycles. Men crossing the ferry to go to work have often to bring bicycles because they want have them to ride long distances after leaving the ferry. Mexborough is the nearest place for woman to shop. They have young children they cannot leave at home, and cannot carry, they have to bring a pram. We have no bus service in the village and mostly what Denaby Main we have to use ferry. The point is, it is a public highway, the route being under the west riding county council. What Denaby people want to know is by what right does the canal company charge, and what privileges if any have the villagers got? If they charge a tuppence now, they may charge a shilling later. “

A spokesman of the company said “Our costs have gone up about four times. We cannot carry on under the present charges; we shall have to ask them to pay more. No more contract tickets, will be issued. Those with contract tickets have been crossing with practically no payment. We have now to pay two men when we only used to have one, so our wages are doubled, and those wages are double what they were.”