Sheffield independent 15th December 1882
Findings are stealing?
James Kelly, and Henry Kelly, brothers, employed at the Denaby May Colliery, were charged with stealing, by finding, a watch, the property of Griffiths, who is now employed at Houghton Main, but formerly at the Denaby Main Colliery, on the fifth inst.
Prosecutor took his watch with him when he went to his work for the day named, and when he was about to leave the pit he could not find it.
The watch was advertised in the Police Gazette and when the prisoner James Kelly offered in pledge at the shop of Mr Matthew Walker, pawnbroker, Doncaster or the 5th December, he was detained and given into custody.
He was subsequently handed over to Inspector Burkinshaw, of the Rotherham division, who also apprehended the other prisoner.
Henry Kelly also admitted having “found” the watch.
The Chairman said the prisoner’s ought to have endeavoured to find the owner of the watch.
The prisoners were committed for trial at the sessions