South Yorkshire Times, June 13
Firm Taking Over Denaby ICI site.
Transfer of Plant will be a “Gradual Process.”
The 75 acre former ICI factory site at Denaby, has been chosen for industrial development by high Melton industrialist, Mr Arthur Snipe, managing director of Mining Supplies Ltd
because of the limited opportunities for development on the present Arksey side of one of his two factories, Mr Snipe is to transfer the Arksey plant to the Denaby site.
Mr Snipe told the South Yorkshire Times yesterday opener (Thursday) that negotiations with ICI for the handover of the land were almost complete.
He continued, “we are moving to Denaby because the land there is oversize which will give us the opportunity to develop as we want.
“We are hoping within a 10 year period to develop their 200,000 ft.² for factory space.” It was also planned to develop a section of the Denaby site for housing purposes
Mr Snipe said that his Arksey factory was situated in a residential area. There had been complaints about the amount of noise, as a result of which a County Court injunction had been made against the firm, cutting out all night work at the factory.
It would be foolish and uneconomical to develop the site under those conditions, for machines would only be able to work 12 hours when they could be working for longer, he said.
“Our main aim is to get the opportunity to expand without restriction. We export markets in all parts of the world and we must be in a position to supply these markets – otherwise it is no use creating them,” said Mr Snipe.
He thought there was a definite need for industrial development in the Denaby area, and he would like to see it get under way. “After all, I am a Denaby man myself,” he added.
He said that the site offered scope to a variety of industries. Mining supplies Ltd would purchase the whole site and allow other manufacturers to develop parts of it, renting some of the existing buildings. This would be of particular help to the “Small man”
“We have all got to start somewhere.” Mr Snipe commented, adding, “We shall make full use of the existing buildings as far as possible, but of course our kind of business demands the most up-to-date accommodation.”
Gradual Process.
Mr Snipe said that the transfer of business would be a “very gradual” process, but would be facilitated by the existence of the company’s second factory in Doncaster.
A nucleus of staff would take over at the Denaby factory, when completed. The labour force will be developed as expansion progresses. The company was expanding at a rate of 150 percent each year, and Mr Snipe emphasised that this would mean employing local Labour.
Mr R.F.Edwardson, Clark, of Conisbrough Urban Council commended yesterday, “Naturally we are delighted when any interest is shown in bringing industry to the area. “I should think the local authority would want to look on this very helpfully if it means bringing a labour force into the area, and of course with the income of rates which accrue.”