Food Committee – Extra Soap Allowance

May 1942

South Yorkshire Times – Saturday 09 May 1942

Food Committee

An extra soap allowance for miners was discussed at Wednesday’s meeting of Conisbrough Food Control Committee, Coun. Tom Shephard presiding.

The Food Executive Officer, Mr. R. Dunn, said he had received a letter from the secretary of the Denaby Main Y.M.A. Branch on the subject, supported by the colliery management and he had placed the matter in the hands of the Divisional Officer, who replied that the question of an extra allowance of soap for persons engaged on dirty work was being discussed between representatives of the T.U.C. and the Ministry of Food.

Mr. J. Williamson said people living in a place like Conisbrough required more soap because the water was hard: It was decided to press the matter further with the authorities.

Coun. D. Sheldon asked whether anything had been done regarding the committee’s request that local butchers should indicate on their accounts the weight and price of meat supplied to each customer, and the Food Officer replied that he had circularised to local butchers the request. Several members alleged that the request was not being complied with, and it was left to the Food Officer to take the matter up with the butchers.