South Yorkshire Times, October 25, 1941
Food Committee – Milk, Clothing and Opening Times
Complaint was made at last Thursday’s meeting of the Conisbrough Food Control Committee about erroneous statements which it was alleged appeared from time to time in the Press, and in BBC announcement concerning food regulations.
Mr G. Williamson produced a cutting from a national daily newspaper which stated that a milk retail was under no obligation to supply a person with milk, even though the latter was an accredited registered customers.
Such a statement, said Mr Williamson, was quite false, and announcements such as this not only misled members of the general public, but also created great difficulties for retailers who did not know where they stood. It was decided to send a cutting to the Ministry of Food.
The food officer, Mr R.Dunne appealed to the public to refrain from visiting the Food Office for new clothing coupons. Persons who had lost their old ration books, which were needed to obtain new clothing coupons from the Food Office, should not apply at the food office but should secure a formal declaration from the secretary of the local W.V.S. This form should be filled up and signed in the presence of a J.P. and should then be taken to the Post Office when new clothing coupons would be issued.The only clothing coupons issued at the Food Office were in respect of newborn babies, immigrants and men discharged from HM forces.
The committee decided to accede a request from the Food Officer that the Food Office should not be open to members of the public until 10 AM each morning, it being stated that the hour from 9 to 10 was required to deal with correspondence and Ministry of Food circulars. The office asked for public are now, therefore, from 10 to 12.35 from 1.30 to 5 o’clock
An application from a firm of grocers to sell unrationed goods not stocked by them before the war was rejected by the committee on the grounds the needs of the district were already adequately catered for by existing retailers of the goods in question.