“Forgotten City” Claim At Conisbro’

March 1969

South Yorkshire Times March 1, 1969

“Forgotten City” Claim At Conisbro’

Conisbrough’s Estate should be called the “Forgotten City” in respect of bus services available, says one local resident The new Mexborough and Swinton Traction service for the estate is inadequate for the 20 aged persons bungalows there, says Mr. W. Hughes.

Mr. Hughes, of 42, Roberts Avenue, says : “We on the Windmill Estate have been done an injustice in regard to our bus services. We used to have two buses to the hour; now we have only one and that misses out three bus stops by going up Doncaster Road instead of up Clifton Hill. Also there are no buses on Sundays.”

He adds : “I think it is unfair that an estate with approximately 500 more inhabitants and no O.A.P.’s dwellings should have nine or ten buses an hour and us only one. Instead of calling it Windmill Estate, they should call it the ‘Forgotten City .”

Mr E. Smallwood, Traffic Superintendent for the Traction Company said the service had only been running for just over a week.

The service (number 5) runs on Doncaster Road and up Crookhill Road to the Windmill estate and down Clifton Hill, “to save time,” said Mr. Smallwood, but added that the bus could stop on Clifton Hill to drop passengers off.

It runs at six minutes past every hour (except 5.06 p.m. and 9.06 p.m.) on a cross-service route from Old Mill Road to Oak Grove, Conisbrough, and returns there to begin a run to Rotherham, via Kilnhurst at 20 minutes to every hour.

“I would not say the Windmill Estate is any more neglected than any other estate, and it is not far off Doncaster Road if residents wanted to catch the Yorkshire Traction service. It is only a couple of hundred yards,” he said.