South Yorkshire Times February 3, 1951
Four In Train Crash
Conisbrough Family’s Day Out was an Adventure
A Conisbrough family of four —father, mother, daughter and grand-daughter—had an unnerving experience on Wednesday, when their day out was ended by a train crash. They were passengers in a British Railways train which was in collision with a stationary light engine near Barnsley West signal box.
The victims were:
P.c. Albert Bowman, of 1, Conan Road; Mrs Myra Bowman, his wife; Mrs ‘Margaret Cox, their daughter, wife of a former airman, Mr George Cox, now teachers training College; and Cynthia Mr and Mrs Cox’s 12-month-old daughter.
P.C. Bowman told the “South Yorkshire Times” in an exclusive interview last night that they had been spending a day at Penistone and were returning via Barnsley. “We were a mile out of Barnsley when there was a crash. I received a bump on the back of the head and was temporarily knocked out.”
He said that he later learned that the train in which they were travelling, consisting of about four carriages, had collided with a stationary locomotive. Luckily, the driver of the locomotive had seen the passenger train approaching, started his engine and this prevented what could have been a serious accident.
Mrs. Myra Bowman said she was playing with her granddaughter when the crash occurred. “The lights went out and I fell forward. Luckily Cynthia was playing with the lapel of my coat and I had her in my arms when I fell. This prevented her being hurt.”
Mrs Bowman suffered from shock and bumped her head and cheek rather badly.
Her daughter also suffered from shock, but was well enough to look after her parents yesterday, Cynthia, who is one year old, was bouncing about on the bed in the best of spirits when our reporter called.
After the crash, which put the lighting and heating system of the train out of order, the passengers were taken to a gangers’ cabin near the line until first-aid arrived.
Later they were all brought home in taxis, and Mr and Mrs Bowman spent the day in bed recuperating from their bumps and bruises.