Fowl Stealing at Conisbrough

November 1911

Mexborough & Swinton Times – Saturday 18 November 1911

Fowl Stealing at Conisbrough

James Gilmore, miner, of new Conisbrough, was charged with stealing eight fowls, the property of Frank Boyle, at New Conisbrough on the 12th inst.

Complainant, a miner of 26 Blyth St, New Conisbrough said he had known prisoner about eight weeks. He kept 10 fowls in the wooden structure in the allotment gardens near Balby Street. On going to the place next morning he found only two fowls. In the hen pen he found a cap. He gave information to the police.

PC Barnes said that at 10:30 a.m. on Sunday morning he received information about the fowls, and went to the fowl house and found the fence pulled down. There were only two fowls. Witness went in pursuit of prisoner and found him in the Denaby Main Hotel.

When charged he said “I admit being there, I broke the fence, and that is my cap. I know nothing about the fowls.”

Prisoner, on oath, said he went to the allotments, and climbed over the fencing, and, in doing so, his cap dropped off. He then went with the intention of getting lodgings at Mexborough.

Superintendent Hickes (cross examine): are you confidential friends? – Prisoner: No, we have bits of tiffs.

What right had you to go there? – I went for revenge

What was the reason you didn’t pick the cap up? – Because I could not find it.

You could go to the hen hut in the dark?

Yes, but it is a different thing looking for a hen run and a cap?

In answer to the Chairman, prisoner said: To honest God I never saw the fowls at all.

He admitted breaking into the prosecutor’s hen run, but denied taking the fowls.

Prisoner was fined 25/– inclusive or 21 days.