Friends Meet (picture)

May 1946

South Yorkshire Times May 25, 1946

Friends Meet

Ever since two employees of the Urban Council, driver-batman, Albert Edward James, R. A. S. C., elder son of Mr and Mrs A. E. Keynes, Hameline Road, and Gnr. William Swift, R. A., Son of Mr W. Swift, of Warren Road, went overseas to the Middle East they have been endeavouring to see each other and at last they have accomplished their desires.

Dvr. James, who is stationed in Egypt, was detailed to take an officer to Palestine close to the South Palestine district headquarters, where Gnr. Swift is now stationed, and he took the opportunity of calling in on his close Conisbrough friend.

James has written home to say they were able to spend three or four hours together. “Bill was surprised when I walked into his office. He has got a good job.” Dvr. James adds. Gnr. Swift has also written to tell Mrs James of the meeting. “He looks well, anyway,” says Swift of his friends. Dvr. James has been overseas seven months. He is now 19 and he left the councils employ, in which he had been since he was 14 ½ as an apprentice bricklayer, for the forces at the age of 18.

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