Gainsborough Trinity Reserve  2 Conisborough 1

12 February 1892

Mexborough & Swinton Times – Friday 12 February 1892

Gainsborough Trinity Reserve  2 Conisborough 1

Played at Gainsborough on Saturday, in fine weather.

Trinity won the toss, and the visitors started towards the Northolme end. They were soon round the home goal, and put in some excellent shots, which Vamplew saved well, and a corner came to nothing, but within ten minutes Conisborough got one through.

From now the home team had the best of matters, but though pressing hard the internal arrived with Conisborough still ahead.

The Reserve continued to make the running and at length Farrill, a new man who had been in the centre, went on to the wing, and soon sent in a capital long shot, which quite beat Emmerson, and equalled the game.

Brownlow and Munro played well for Trinity, the former putting in a good shot, but it was not till within five minutes of time that Farrill again scored and the result was :

Trinity Reserve    2

Conisborough      1