Gallant Rescue – Denaby Miner’s Plucky Rescue.

June 1920

Mexborough & Swinton Times – Saturday 19 June 1920

Gallant Rescue.

Denaby Miner’s Plucky Rescue.

We are indebted to the Police for particular of a very gallant rescue from drowning, effected last week by a well-known miners’ leader, Mr. George Andrew Chadfield of 40, Ravenfied street, Denaby Main.

At about 6.20 on the evening of Wednesday, June 16, some boys were fishing in the canal by the bridge at Don View, Meiboro’, and one of their number, Herbert Whitehead, aged 11, son of Mr. Tom Whitehead, a miner, of 77, Cliff. View, Denaby Main, overbalanced and fell into the water.

His struggles carried him into mid-stream, and he was in great danger of drowning when the attention of Mr. Chadfield, who was walking to Mexboro’ to attend a miners meeting, was called to his plight. On hearing a cry for help, Mr. Chadfield ran to the spot and, without divesting himself of any clothing, plunged into the water. The boy had disappeared, but Mr. Chadfield succeeded in clutching him, and after a very hard struggle brought him to the bank.

Mr. Chadfield was hampered by his clothing and also by the struggles of the boy, and when assisted to land by James Feeney was on the point of exhaustion. Mr. Feeney applied artificial respiration to the boy and was assisted by Mr. Chadfield. The boy was soon brought round and was taken home. He is now quite recovered. The canal at this point is about forty feet wide and ten feet deep, and the bottom is’ covered with weed and mud.

Mr. Chadfield said nothing about the occurrence to anybody, and it was only by enquiry in other directions that the matter was brought to light. This gallantry, which might easily have cost him his life, deserves to be placed on record, and we hope that it will obtain the recognition of the Royal Humane Society. Steps to that end are being taken.