Gambling On Doncaster Racecourse.

September 1899

Sheffield Daily Telegraph – Thursday 07 September 1899

Gambling On Doncaster Racecourse.

Yesterday, at Doncaster Court, Joseph Wheway, James Cunliffe, James Birch and Wm. Gough, colliers, of Denaby, were charged with gaming with cards on the Racecourse on Tuesday afternoon.

Frank Lister and another witness said that the defendants were playing at banker.—Mr. Clark: Was there any trickery in the matter?— Witness: No.

The Clerk: It is a common game amongst miners. I don’t know what it is, but probably Superintendent Blake will tell you. (Laughter.)

Gough said they were colliers, and worked hard for their living. It was only once year that they could get to Doncaster and Mr. Blake knows what we are. (Laughter.) We don’t make a living at it, and were only playing until the races began.

Superintendent Blake, on hearing the appeal to him, got up and left the court.

A fine of 6s. was inflicted.