Mexborough Times, February 17th, 1916
Globe Palace
Record houses testify to the popularity of the excellent bill provided by Linton’s pantomime co. in “Robinson Crusoe.” And those who have not yet enjoyed this exceptional treat are advised to take advantage of the remaining two days.
Although played here on their last visit two years ago the artists are all new to the district; the songs and gags are likewise fresh and the specialities include some of the best shows seen in the district. Therefore it is little wonder that residents are flocking to the entertainment.
“The Broken Coin” was also screened as usual, and thus lengthened the performance to one of three hours duration.
Next week’s bill contains some great attractions in “A Hero of the Year,” Topical drama in three parts, “The Broken Coin” (episode nine), the serial with a grip, and two screaming comedies.
On Thursday, “Love and Duty” is a thrilling drama into parts and “the Avenging Sea,” likewise a two-part drama of intense interest. Excellent comedies ensure a pleasing program.
In addition the pictures and important variety booking for the week is that of Goode and Douglas, a talented couple, who give a delightful turn in a vocal, comedy and dance scene. Altogether the bill promises full satisfaction to the most critical.