Golden Wedding – Mr & Mrs Goddard (picture)

November 1942

Mexborough & Swinton Times – Saturday 14 November 1942

Golden Wedding

Last Thursday Mr. and Mrs. W. Goddard of 29, Cliff View. Denaby Main, celebrated their Golden Wedding and received messages of congratulation from relatives and friends.

They have resided in Denaby Main for 27 years and before that 23 years of their married life were spent in Mexborough, where they were married at the Parish Church by the late Rev. H. Ellershaw on November 5th 1892.

Mr. Goddard is 73 and Mrs. Goddard 70 and they have had nine children, four sons and five daughters, of whom eight are still living.

The eldest son, Charles, was killed in the Great War and their youngest son. Walter, is serving in this war in the Pioneer Corps. They have two sons-in-law (Messrs. Peter Mannion and H. Smith) serving in the Middle East with the R.A.F.

Mr. and Mrs. Goddard have 29 grandchildren. Mr. Goddard was born in Mexborough and Mrs. Goddard was born in Denaby Main.