Golden Wedding – Mr & Mrs Hinchliffe

November 1942

Mexborough & Swinton Times – Saturday 07 November 1942

Golden Wedding

Fifty years ago to-day (Friday) Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Hinchliffe, of Colenso Cottage. Low Road, Conisbrough, were married at Conisbrough Parish Church.

They cannot remember the name of the priest who officiated at the ceremony, but they think his name was Stocks. Mr. Hinchliffe is 73 and Mrs. Hinchliffe is 70. Both look remarkably fit and well, and they have always enjoyed good health throughout their married life, though both complain of an occasional twinge of rheumatism.

They have had 11 children, and there are five daughters and two sons living, all married. and 15 grandchildren. The two sons are well known in football circles.

The eldest son, Stanley, will be remembered as playing for most of the local Midland League Clubs in the years just after the last war.

The youngest son, Tom, started his football career with Denaby, but his exceptional ability soon took him to Grimsby. Huddersfield and Derby County. He now In the Army, and recently played for Reading.

Mr. Hinchliffe was born at Masborough, Rotherham and came to Conisbrough In 1878. He started work when he was 11 for Messrs. Kilner Bros. Glass Works and continued in their employment right up to the time when the firm ceased making bottles a few years ago, after completing 57 years’ service. When he married his wage was 28s. a week with a bonus of 1s., and his house rent was 3s. 3d. a week.

Mrs. Hinchliffe is a native of Conisbrough; she was born in Church Street and her father and all her brothers were all employed at the Glass Works.