Golden Wedding – Mr & Mrs Senior

August 1902

Mexborough & Swinton Times – Friday 08 August 1902

Golden Wedding at Conisbrough

Last week was celebrated by Mr and Mrs Sam Senior, of Conisbrough, and the residents near the Glass Works, the 50th year of their married life.

Our correspondent who is an acquaintance of the aged couple, was amongst those invited to the celebration, and he was surprised at the energy the aged couple still poorness. He was met with a cheery, “How are ter, mil lad,”        accompanied by an extremely vigorous handshake from Mrs Senior, who is always wreathed in smiles, and is as light-hearted as a bird.

Mr Senior is much after the style of his faithful partner, and is remarkably active and strong for his age and one would scarcely believe the couple had undergone 50 years of the worry and trouble that is said to attend married Life. They are both as cheery as the proverbial marriage bell, and their honest and bluff Yorkshire ways are at once winning to the casual visitor.

In reply to a wish for more years of much happiness the wife smiles, then size and easily says. “Aye lad; but not so many moor.” whilst the old man echoes the sentiment with a sigh that is soon lost, however, as he commences to talk with unabated vigour on various topics of the day.

Mr Senior is well over 76 years of age, and he just three years older than his wife. He was born at Emily, near Huddersfield, whilst his wife is a native of Thornhill Lees.

The wedding took place in the Thornhill church, great interest been sent to in the all-important event at the time, to which Mr JK Bateson can testify.

The latter, at the celebration last week, recalled several interesting incidents of their younger days, which due from the old couple explorations of pleasure and size of regret, and any speech, complemented to the couple, spoke of the value of Mr Senior as a good and honest workman.

Altogether there were 74 sat down to the tea that was provided at the age couple the resident, and of these there were most of the following descendant:

Eight children, 50 grandchildren and one great grandchild.

Mr C Kilner was unable to be present, and he sent the following letter:

“Dear Mr and Mrs Senior,

I shall not be able to be with you today, but I hope you may have a happy time, and I wish the same time to congratulate you have been spared to live together for 50 years and I trust the remaining part of your life, whether it be long or short, may have the blessing of Providence resting upon it.

Yours truly, Caleb Kilner”

The couple were the recipients of numerous presents, amongst which was a splendid bridescake from Mr Kilner, in whose service Mr Senior was for the major portion of his life. Mr Kilner perhaps had reason for complimenting the couple on the occasion, as Mr Senior was the person to cut the first sod, and lay the first brick of the extensive glass works at Conisbrough at the head of which firm Mr Kilner stands. That event was nigh on 40 years ago, and Mr Senior has lived in Conisbrough ever since, and worked on the same firm until a year or two ago, when he was most deservedly pensioned off.

The couple have both an excellent memory, and can recall incidents of long ago with ease. They are both still blessed with good sight and hearing, and conversed with remarkable freedom in their broad Yorkshire dialect.

They can both remember quite clear the sinking and expansion of the Denaby Main Colliery, although they were never connected with it I can distinctly recall all strikes and troubles on the firm. They are both very sympathetic towards the miners in the present trouble, and in conversations seem as much concern as the miners themselves.

As before stated, it is almost surprising to note the activity and vitality of the old people, and they appear to have more years before them, we can only echo the sentiments of their numerous visitors, and wish them every happiness in their old age