Grand Concert – The Convalescent Home Scheme (videos)

February 1906

Mexborough and Swinton Times February 10, 1906

Grand Concert at Conisborough.
The Convalescent Home Scheme.

The Conisborough Convalescent Home Scheme Committee are an energetic body of workers. It was unfortunate for them that’s Thursday evening should turn out be so winterly, and this, no doubt, militated against the attendance. Nevertheless there was a fairly large audience assembled in the old board schools. A programme of exceptional merit was gone through. The object was a very worthy one, and withhold the convalescent homes fund will be augmented considerably by the effort.

The committee have been instrumental during the years in sending 10 deserving cases to seaside homes, at the total cost of £18 5s.

Mr. H. Fowler, the genial Hon. Secretary to the committee, had worked splendidly for the success of the concert, and to him are due hearty congratulations on the success attained. Mr. W. Jones made an excellent chairman.

In the absence, through indisposition, of the billed chairman, Mr. R. H. Sharp, Mr. Smith presided, and said he was pleased to be with them on that auspicious occasion. As he was an official of the scheme they might think he was biased if he gave his opinion of it, so, to facilitate matters, Mr Sharp, after carefully scrutinising the books, had commissioned him to state his feelings with regards to the scheme, and which were that the committee were doing a good work, although quietly and un ostentatiously. He found that all the money, or nearly so, went for the purpose of providing means to sufferers needing sea side air to various convalescent homes.

In giving the recommends neither clique, creed, nor party were considered, and the work was carried out honestly.

The scheme had been in existence for four years, during which time 39 people have been sent to homes at Scarborough, Bridlington, and Southport, at the total cost of £57 6s 6d. In addition to this, grants had been made to the amount of £13 8s 8d, which made a total of £70 15s 2d. for the four years.

He was sorry that the weather, at practically the last moment, had turned out unpropitious. In conclusion, he thanked everyone for their presence that evening, and hoped they would continue to support such a good object.

Mr. R. H. Sharpe kindly sent £1 towards the fund.

The programme was opened by Mr E Trout’s brass quartette party, who gave splendid selections. There was not a discordant note in their performance.

Mr W. A. Pickering followed with a sweet rendering of the Wallace’s well known song “Yes let me like a soldier fall. “He was heard to distant advantage in his items


“For all eternity” Mr Pickering
“I wonder why” Mr Day, the humourist
“The shamrock of Ireland” Mrs Pickering
“The Chimney Corner” Mrs Pickering
“The distant shore” Mr W A Lugar
“Out in the Deep” Mr Lugar
“What it is to be a mother” Miss L Smith
“A batchelor’s story” Miss Smith
“There let me rest” Miss Nellie Button
“Vanished Dreams” Miss Button
“The Amateur Actors” Mr H Tomlinson
“Alice where art thou” Mr E Trout

Professor Villiers ventriloquial entertainment and a duet from Mr and Mrs Pickering “Maying” followed

And the proceedings terminated with the singing of the National Anthem.

Videos from You Tube: