Grand Master of Druids (picture)

April 1933

Mexborough & Swinton Times – Friday 07 April 1933

Grand Master of Druids

An honour richly deserved has come to Mr. George Harrison, 17, Hamelin Road, Conisboro’, by his appointment as Grand Master of the Rotherham District of the Order of Druids Friendly Society.

Mr. Harrison has been a member of the Order from childhood.

For many years he was assistant secretary of the Conisboro’ branch and for the last three has been secretary.

Last year he held the office of Deputy Grand Master.

In addition to this work, Mr. Harrison is interested in other charitable organisations in the Conisboro’ district. He is the chairman of the Conisboro’ Old People’s Treat Committee, a member of the Conisboro’ Hospital Sunday Movement Committee, and treasurer of the Conisboro’ branch of the Transport and General Workers’ Union.

Mr. Harrison has lived many years in Conisboro’, coming from Loversall.

For over 98 years he has worked at Cadeby Main Colliery. In his earlier days he played for the Conisboro ‘ St. Peter’s Football Club, took an interest in local cricket, and was for some years an umpire.