Grateful Evacuees Say “Goodbye” – Can Never Forget Conisbrough (picture)

June 1945

South Yorkshire Times June 9, 1945

Can Never Forget Conisbrough
Grateful Evacuees Say “Goodbye”

June Dscn2854 Evac

Evacuees (the children neatly labelled) ready to leave Conisbrough
on their homeward journey on Wednesday.

“It’s nice to know where going home again, but we can never forget Conisbrough. We have been shown every kindness and we have made many good friends. I shall certainly come back here for a holiday.” These words spoken by Mrs Buisson of London, with her nine children has been billeted in Conisbrough, summed up the feelings of the mothers and children who left Conisbrough on Wednesday morning to return to their homes in London.

Mrs Buisson and her children, wages range for 4 to 15 years and all enjoyed themselves and they were in excellent health. They have had lovely billets and the Billeting officer and his staff have done everything possible for their comfort.

The party assembled at the Bribery and travel by motorcoach to Rotherham. Members of the W.B.S.were there to see them off, and one of them, Mr Gedney, travel to London to the Rest Centre there.
The billeting officer (Mr G.R.Hill) and Mrs Brookes accompanied them as far as Rotherham.

The children, who are billeted with foster parents will be leaving Conisbrough in about a weeks time.