Guests at the Hospitals Dance

January 1968

South Yorkshire Times January 13, 1968

Guests at the Dance

Conisbrough Hospitals annual buffet supper and dance was held on Tuesday evening at the Danum Hotel. Doncaster for 140 members of staff and guests.

The dance which was held by courtesy of the Hospital Management Committee was attended by many distinguished guests, who were received by the Matron. Miss E. M. Barwell-Turner and Mr. N. Brown. Hospital Secretary.

Guests included Mr. S. T. Firth. Chairman of the Doncaster and District Hospitals Management Committee and Mrs. Firth: Mr. A. C. Dale. Group Secretary of the Doncaster and District Hospitals and Mrs. Dale; Dr. W. Lomax. Senior Hospital Consultant and Mrs. Lomax; Mr. J. Baker, Deputy Chairman of the Management Committee: Mrs. M. Evans, Chairman of the Doncaster and District Hospitals Comforts Fund: Mr. D. Aiken Consultant Surgeon: Dr. D. M. Bell, retired Conisbrough G.P. and Mrs. Bell: and Hospital Committee members Mr. and Mrs. C. Emminson .