Soldier – Harrison J.S. – Came for More

December 1939

Mexborough & Swinton Times, December 09

J.S. Harrison
Came for More


Pte. J. S. Harrison, of Denaby Main, joined H.M. Forces 7 ½ years ago and served for over two years in Gibraltar.

Last year Pte. Harrison had the misfortune to lose his wife and in May this year he rejoined the Army for another five years.

He is at present serving in France and in his letters states that he is quite all right and likes the life and looks forward to receiving his “South Yorkshire Times” with the local news which his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Harrison, of 12, Maltby Street, Denaby Main, send to him regularly.

Pte. Harrison is very keen on sport. He played football for the Army team at Gibraltar. He was employed formerly in the foundry at the Cadeby Colliery.