Haulage Hands Agree to Stay at Work – ‘After Persuasion”

September 1937

Sheffield Independent – Thursday 02 September 1937

After Persuasion”
Haulage Hands Agree to Stay at Work

Trouble of a minor nature occurred at Denaby Main Colliery yesterday when it was only after the persuasion of the officials of the Denaby branch of the Y.M.A. that haulage hands on the afternoon shift descended the shaft and agreed to remain work.

The boys are aggrieved because the colliery management have turned down application behalf the boys and that they should agree deducting from the men’s wages the amount men have promised to pay towards the damages and costs awarded against about 80 of the lads at the Doncaster West Riding Police Court recently tor breaches of contract arising out of lightning strikes at the pit last month.