Mexborough and Swinton Times January 25, 1895
He Forgot about his Pipe
William Scales, Miner Denaby Main Colliery, was charged with breach of special rule 99 by taking a tobacco pipe into the mine on January 8th.
Mr Hickmott prosecuted
George Waring said that on the morning of January 8th he was deputed to search the men descending the mine, he having previously been searched by two men for that purpose. In the defendant’s waistcoat pocket he found a tobacco pipe. He asked him what he had his pocket and he replied that it was a piece of lead pencil. Witness then put his hand into his pocket and found the pipe.
The Chairman: Did you find any matches?
Witness: No, he had no matches
The defendant’s excuse was that he was late for work that morning and took the wrong waistcoat never thinking to search it.
The Chairman: But why do you say it was a lead pencil that you had?
Defendant: I generally carry piece of lead pencil in my pocket, and when he said, “what’s this?” I thought it was a piece of pencil
Fined one shilling and costs, and warned to exercise greater care in future.