Heavy Fines on Conisbro’ Youths – Fines Rather Than Prison Preferred

June 1970

South Yorkshire Times, June 13, 1970

Heavy Fines on Conisbro’ Youths

Stiff Fines Rather Than Prison Sentences Preferred

Note: Names of convicted have all been changed

Stiff fines rather than prison sentences were preferred by the West Riding magistrates at Doncaster on Tuesday in dealing with four Conisbrough youths for a series of offences mostly concerned with thefts and damage at Morley Place and Northcliffe Road schools at Conisbrough.

At the end of the case, the Chairman, Mr. S. T. Firth, said: “We could send you to Borstal or detention or prison, where you, would be fed and kept and looked after at the expense of the community you have been robbing, so we have decided that fines are the best punishment.”

Alan Davis (18), furnace worker, of Palm Grove, was ordered to pay f207 12s. 6d.

Gerald Lawson (18), labourer of Scott Avenue, was ordered to pay £192 6d., and Kevin Davies (18), steelworker, of Daylands Avenue, £162 1s. 9d.

Peter James (17), labourer, of Lewes Road, was ordered to pay f100 9s. 9d.

James had made four previous court appearances, Lawson and Davis three, and Davies two. Chief Inspector Clifford Paine, prosecuting, told the court.

The youths had been remanded in custody for sentence following their court appearance on May 9th.

Mr. Firth said: “These fines are the heaviest I remember imposing upon young men of your age.”

Chief Inspector Paine said that Davis, Lawson and James had admitted at the previous hearing entering Modern Methods and Materials, Church Street, Mexborough, and stealing goods worth f24 16s.

They were each fined £50 and ordered to pay £2 12s. restitution.

Davis, Lawson and James admitted entering Morley Place School, Conisbrough, and stealing property worth £25 15s. 6d

Chief Inspector Paine said that Dodd, Jackson and Draper had admitted at the previous hearing entering Modern Methods and Materials. Church Street, Mexborough, and stealing goods worth £24 16s.

They had also pleaded guilty to committing £45 worth of damage. All three were fined £50 and £10 and ordered to pay £8 12s. restitution and £15 costs each.

Dodd and Jackson had admitted stealing copper piping from Northcliffe School, Conisbrough. Both were fined £10  with 17s. 9d. restitution

Dodds and Lawson pleaded guilty to entering Northcliffe School and stealing goods worth £2 17s. 1d. They were fined £10 each. Draper was ordered to pay 17s. 6d restitution and Lindley £1 8s. 6d.

They had also caused £100 worth of damage, Chief Inspector Paine told the court. They were fined £10 each and both ordered to pay £50 costs.

Chief Inspector Paine said that Lawson had taken a car from the Cross Road Garage, Conisbrough. He had no driving licence nor insurance. He was fined a total of £37 and disqualified from driving for two concurrent periods of two years.

Jackson had driven off in a car from Swinton Car Sales, Conisbrough, also without a licence and insurance. He received the same penalties.

Davis was fined £15 for aiding and abetting and disqualified for two years.

He asked for 11 other offences to be taken into consideration and James asked for four, Davies seven and Lindley five.