Mexborough and Swinton Times, November 2, 1918
Presentation to Military Medalist
At the Globe picture Palace, Conisbrough, on Monday evening, Mr W.A.Chambers, managing director of the Denaby and Cadeby collieries Ltd, presented to quartermaster Sgt Charles Hill, M.M.(R.F.A.) of Conisbrough, the military medal awarded him recently, together with the gold watch and an illuminated address, furnished from the Denaby and Cadeby heroes fund.
Quartermaster Sgt Hillis 23 years of age, and was formerly on the clerical staff of the collieries.
He is a son of Mr Jesse Hill, assistant overseer and clerk to the Conisbrough parish Council.
He joined the Army in September 1914, and has had about three years active service. The medal was awarded him for great gallantry and coolness during the retreat from the Somme last April. He covered a crossing of the River and kept a field gun in action against the enemy, firing with open sights, and only withdrawing the gun (upon receipt of orders) when the German infantry were a few hundred yards away.
Mr H Hulley, manager of the Cadeby mine, presided over a fall and enthusiastic house, and he and Mr Chambers testify eloquently to the spirit of bravery and self-sacrifice display by Quartermaster Sgt Hill and the many fine young fellows who hadgone out from the district.
Mr L. Worsley, secretary of the fund also spoke.