Mexborough times March 13.
Denab soldiers. “Lucky Bag”
Four tired and hungry Germans
Private Joseph Hill
A Denaby Main soldier, private Jos. Hill, of the Second Durham Light Infantry, relates the following interesting experience gathered in the trenches:
“One of our companies had been attacked in the night, and my company went to relieve them about 10 PM. We dug trenches all night.
About five o’clock I went to the back of the trench for something and sat down. In a second two hands came up in front of my face. You can tell how I felt when, to my surprise, I found a German!
I took him back in the trench with me, then I went and had a look around, and I saw three more. I took two of them back to the trench, and the other one being wounded, I carried him in. They looked tired and hungry, and were glad to give in”